We are Nube, we provide services like

We are Nube, we provide services like
We design, build, own, operate and manage state of art Data Centres. We are ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certified for providing Cloud Storage services and network marketing services. We offer an exciting, unique, low exposure Asset Partner program to individuals and corporates looking to be a part of the fast growing Data Centre market!
Allows business to acquire resources based on actual requirement Allows exibility to increase/decrease resources as required
Flexibility to cater to seasonal demand spike will drive adoption.Signicant savings compared to on premise solutions will drive adoption. Allows business to acquire resources based on actual requirement
With proliferation of loT use cases, newer and larger data sets like video, voice etc, are in demand. These require computing resources closer to the end consumer
Edge computing leading to emergence of innovative use cases e.g. HD video on demand, gaming etc
Allows business to acquire all the required IT resources on demand. Database-as-a-service Computing-as-a-Service Security-as-a-Service
XaaS allows business the required agility to launch required solutions Cost optimization opportunities to businesses by reducing the overheads
Cloud ecosystem provides the required agility to business to conceptualize, test launch products, etc. Save on maintenance time & cost hence more innovative products
Getting teams to focus on value adding projects, rather than managing 'keeping lights on' projects and/or technology Ease of implementation and maintenance will allow more number of use cases/workloads e.g. analytics, non-critical apps etc.
Edge data centers may be dened differently by different IT professionals based on their roles, industries, or priorities because of the relative infancy of edge data centers as an established trend. However, most denitions share the following key characteristics:
Edge data centers are placed near the areas they serve and are managed remotely.
Edge data centers have the same components of a traditional but packed into a much smaller footprint.
Edge data centers house mission-critical data,applications, and services for edge-based processing and storage.
If you have any question regarding the edge technology or about our profile, please drop your message and our experts will get back to you shortly!